Financial News

CVA S.p.A. has signed a new US$ 200 million Private Shelf Agreement with Pricoa Private Capital
Compagnia Valdostana delle Acque – Compagnie Valdotaine des Eaux S.p.A. (“CVA” or the “Group”), on 14th December 2023, has signed a US$ 200 million Private Shelf Agreement (“Shelf Facility”) to support the Group’s growth strategy and at the same time issued EUR 30 million Private Placement (the “Notes”) under the Shelf Facility.
CVA Eos S.r.l., 100% Owned By CVA S.p.A., Acquires, From Exacto S.p.A., 60% Of Renergetica S.p.A.
The closing has been completed following the fulfilment of the suspensive conditions relating to the obtaining of authorization under the golden power regulations.
Capital increase for Agreen Energy s.r.l.
Today the CVA Group’s sub holding Agreen Energy S.r.l., refined the increase in share capital from 10.000 euros to 2 million euros with the subscription of capital increase from CVA EOS S.r.l. and BF Agricola S.r.l. Società Agricola. 
CVA Smart Energy set the closing of RS Service s.r.l.
CVA SMART ENERGY S.r.l. set the closing for the acquisition of 70% of the share capital of the Genoa company RS SERVICE S.r.l., operating in the sectors of engeneering, construction and maintenance of electric and mechanic plants.
Fitch affirms the rating of CVA Group
On September 21st 2023, Fitch Ratings confirmed for CVA a Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (IDR) di BBB+ stable outlook and a senior unsecured rating BBB+.
Agreement CVA - Renergetica
The CVA Group signs a share purchase agreement for the purchase of a 60% stake in the share capital of Renergetica s.p.a.
Last change:
Last update: Mar 12, 2025 19:09:16 (GMT+2)