CVA acquires shares of Bonifiche Ferraresi SPA and looks at agrivoltaic development

Today the CVA Group announced the signing for the acquisition of 3% of shares of Bonifiche Ferraresi S.p.A. Società Agricola (“Bonifiche Ferraresi”), for an amount of 12 million of Euros.

This acquisition, in coherence with the renewable energy diversification strategy outlined by the Group’s 2022-2026 business plan, is part of a wider “Investment Agreement” aimed at an exclusive strategic partnership for the development of an agrivoltaic pipeline on the farming lands of Bonifiche Ferraresi.

The integration of the farming and energetic competences of these two industrial Groups, will grant a qualitative project development in the field of renewables, significantly supporting the energy transition, in accordance with the trajectory of the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC) and of the European Union’s “REpowerEU” decarbonisation roadmap.

Further details about the operation will be forwarded during the press conference scheduled on January 12th.

Last update: Oct 03, 2023 14:20:00 (GMT+2)