Rating: Moody's upgrades CVA’s outlook to “stable” , confirms the long-term rating to "Baa2" and the "Baa2" rating on CVA’s senior unsecured titles

Yesterday, Moody’s announced the improvement of CVA’s outlook that has been upgraded “stable”. Moody’s also confirmed the long-term issuer rating “Baa2” and the “Baa2” rating on CVA’s senior unsecured titles.

CVA ratings are a step above those of the Italian Republic, thanks to the quality of its business portfolio and to the attention to the pursuit of the industrial strategic plan’s objectives. Such significant and satisfying improvement of CVA’s outlook, highlights the company’s positive trajectory, within a very complex market context. A trajectory that has seen an acceleration on investments, safeguarded by economic and financial sustainability and prospective very positive performances.

Last update: Jul 24, 2024 16:19:30 (GMT+2)