+99 MW of new installed capacity from renewable sources for CVA Group

The CVA Group proceeds in the implementation of its Strategic Industrial Development Plan to 2027: presented Saturday, November 9 in the City of San Giorgio (TO) in the presence of the Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin, the President of the Autonomous Region of Valle d'Aosta Renzo Testolin and the President of Legambiente Stefano Ciafani, the new photovoltaic plants of the CVA Group, located in central and northern Italy, materializing an investment of more than € 100 million.

The investment drivers in development and acquisition of new power generation plants respond to the need to diversify sources and also geographic areas, in order to ensure greater competitiveness and stability in the face of weather-induced fluctuations, as well as to increase the production capacity of the CVA Group.

To the 936 MW of installed hydroelectric capacity of the Aosta Valley reality and the 231.3 MW already in operation between wind and photovoltaic plants, 99 MW of the plants are added, with different entries into operation:

Plant Power Area occupied by modules Average annual production
Arlena di Castro - Viterbo 28.8 MW 40 hectares 49,800 MWh
FV San Giorgio - San Giorgio Canavese (TO) 1.5 MW 1,6 hectares 2,300 MWh
Cava Bronzina - Castelletto di Branduzzo (PV) 10 MW 11 hectares 16,000 MWh
Cava Toppetti - San Giorgio Canavese (TO) 11 MW 12 hectares 18,700 MWh
Medusa - Nettuno (RM) 1 MW 2 hectares 1,800 MWh
Onda Solare - Nettuno (RM) 0.9 MW 2 hectares 1,700 MWh
Borgocarbonara - Borgocarbonara (MN) 1.3 MW 1,8 hectares 1,900 MWh
Casalnoceto - Alessandria 1 MW 2,6 hectares 1,600 MWh
Sermide - Bocchi - Sermide Felonica (MN) 1.9 MW 3 hectares 3,300 MWh
Siamaggiore - Siamaggiore (OR) 2.2 MW 3,7 hectares 3,900 MWh
Eolico Basilicata  39.6 MW - 85,000 MWh


The inauguration ceremony of the Cava Toppetti plant was an opportunity for the CVA Group to take stock of the status of implementation of the Strategic Industrial Development Plan, which envisions reaching 2 GW of installed power by 2027.

”Today we are celebrating an important milestone for our Group and our subsidiary CVA Eos, with a view to growth, diversification and value creation - commented CVA Group Chairman Marco Cantamessa - The concrete implementation of our Strategic Plan is supported by significant organizational growth, which has made it possible to achieve this by operating both through internal lines and through acquisitions, developing technical and industrial expertise along the entire renewable energy value chain. CVA is therefore confirmed as a leading operator at the national level, reliable and open to dialogue with the territories in which it operates.”

The Other RES Business Unit, which encompasses all installations from wind and photovoltaic sources, is managed by CVA Eos S.r.l., a wholly owned subsidiary of parent company CVA S.p.A.

”Today we celebrate an important milestone in a path that CVA is pursuing with determination and that foresees an overall increase in the Group's installed capacity of more than 800 MW by 2027 - said CEO Giuseppe Argirò - the plants inaugurated represent not only our important industrial path of diversification and growth, but also a concrete contribution to the country's energy transition. I would like to thank the shareholder, the board of directors, our managers and employees, the local communities that welcome and support us, and all the partners and suppliers who have supported us along the way.”

The development of CVA Eos' production park continues vigorously. In recent weeks, the construction site for the construction of a photovoltaic plant of more than 48.5 MW in Montalto di Castro (VB) was started; in 2025, the total installed wind and photovoltaic capacity is expected to exceed 500 MW.

Last update: Nov 11, 2024 12:08:08 (GMT+2)