Hône 2 Power Plant

The Hône 2 run-of-river hydroelectric plant, located in the municipality bearing the same name, is characterized by its 12,830-meter-long diversion canal, built halfway up the hillside following the contour lines of the steep sides of the Ayasse stream valley.

Some sections of the canal were built in tunnels to overcome rock overhangs and at the same time to protect it from landslides and avalanches. In summer, the plant uses water power from streams in the catchment basin. In the winter period, water released from the reservoirs of Lakes Miserin and Vercoce are also added.

The hydropower plant is equipped with three Pelton turbines with a flow rate per second of 2 m3. This equipment gives the plant a total output of 11 MW.

The initial plan also included the construction of two other plants to use the energy available between the two lakes located at 2,560 and 2,200 m asl and the elevation of the intake of the current plant at 1,140 m asl.

This plant is part of some of the Energy Tour routes.

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Characteristics of the plant

Key information

Municipality: Hône (AO)

Commissioning: year 1919

Watercourse: Ayasse stream

Intake structure: Ayasse stream

Other information

Altitude: 363 m asl

Catchment basin: 86 km2

Diversion canal: open-channel flow

Length: 13 km

Other information

Units: no. 3 with Pelton turbine

Concession jump: 745 m

Flow rate: 2 m3/s

Power: 11 MW


Last update: Jun 15, 2022 17:07:58 (GMT+2)